Part 8 - Corporate Models
“We cannot solve our problems with the same mindset we used to create them.”
Albert Einstein
Einstein’s wisdom has never been truer than it is today, where we are experiencing, on a daily basis, huge leaps forward in technological development. With the progress made, it is inevitable that there will be social challenges which will require totally new ways of thinking and corresponding business models. We must all take our responsibility for the development of this new thinking, not only in society but also in business, if we are to create a world which will remain habitable for future generations.
The time has come for a new corporate ethic. Sustainability understanding is growing and becoming an essential component of the business strategy of modern companies. This required understanding, Sustainable Entrepreneurship, translates as the entrepreneurial contribution to sustainable action. In simplified terms, Sustainable Entrepreneurship is about solving the problems of our era, linking these with profitable business strategies, and producing added value for society and business alike by doing so. Sustainability has the potential to function as an engine of growth, profit, and innovation. For many companies, it represents a huge chance to generate clear competitive advantage in the market. It is a guiding principle, an entirely new way of living, and a lifestyle movement which views sustainability not as something to reject, but as a means of creating added value.
Is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) A New Global Business Language?